Jiofi.local.html to Login or via Jio or 192.168.l.l or Jio to Change JioFi Mifi Wifi Password Change, Battery Percentage level Status, Jiofi Router Reset, Jiofi Firmware upgrade or Update signin, Jiofi Internet Speed Increase …..
Jiofi.local.html is main portal to change the Settings of Jiofi router. JioFi is a portable broadband device which allows the internet connectivity to multiple devices for multiple users. Reliance Digital and Reliance LYF collaborated to manufacture JioFi. The JioFi device creates a short ranged personal Wi-Fi hotspot for devices to access the internet connectivity.
How to Configure Jiofi by signing into jiofi.local.html or or 192.168.l.l
Actually now Jiofi Dongle is a very cheap 4G wifi hotspot router compared to other branded routers or modems. And also Jiofi Setup is very easy to login into jio.local.html URL. JioFi.Local.Html is the official URL or login address of JioFi Router. Similarly, or 192.168.l.l or 192.168.l.1 is the IP address of JioFi router to access the login page. Once your Jio Sim is activated, Just follow the below steps:
JioFI.Local.Html and
JioFI.Local.Html is the default address URL for the admin page. The IP address is the common IP address for many wireless, and wired routers. It is an alternate for Jiofi.Local.Html to access the admin page. A user can follow these steps to configure Jiofi Dongle…..
- Enter the URL or the IP address in the browser’s search box
- When the Admin page is successfully loaded, a window pops up asking to enter username and password. Enter the correct credentials for authentication
- Click on the Login button to verify entered username and password
When the verification is completed, a user will be directed to the administrator’s dashboard. The JioFi settings are customizable depending on the user’s requirement.

Jiofi Mifi Password Change and how to login into jiofi.local.html or
The trend to add a funky WiFi name to your local network is a must. A user can change Jiofi Username and Jiofi Password in JioFi Device by following these steps….
- Open the browser of your choice. It can either be opera, chrome, Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer, Microsoft Edge or any other.
- Now, in the address bar of the browser of your choice, type in
- When you press the enter button after that, you will be taken to the admin page of the JioFi. Click the login button to start the process. You will find the button on the upper right corner of the admin page.
- Once when you click, a pop-up window appears. In the window, you will be asked about the username and password. Type ‘administrator’ in both the columns and then press the login button.
- Now, search for the settings tab on the page. You will find it lying just below the Jio logo present at the top. Now, after clicking, go to the left-hand panel and click the Wi-Fi.
- Now here, you can change the old password. Type in some new, unique and secure password. For using the new password, you will need to delete the already existing security key. Once, you delete it, you can enter the new password easily.
- After entering the new password, you need to confirm the changes by clicking on the Apply button.
How to Change Jiofi Broadcasting SSID in jiofi.local.html
The Service Set Identifier (SSID) gives an idea to the user about different networks and their strengths. Any user change broadcasting using these steps….
- First, you need to open your favorite browser and then type either in the address bar or just type http://jiofi.local.html. is common for every router throughout the world, but jiofi.local.html is specifically for Jiofi router. If you are using the JioFi dongle, use the address jiofidongle.local.html.
- Now, you are on the admin page. Here, you need to type in the username and password. You get this username and password when you purchase the dongle or router. Actually, mostly the default username and password for the JioFi dongle or router is ‘administrator’.
Note: Remember, the process will work only if you will connect your smartphone / computer to the jiofi network first.
How to Check Jiofi Battery Percentage in jiofi.local.html?
On your Jiofi device, you can locate the battery levels in the form of three bars. However, this is not the detailed format, and you might want to get more information. To do this, you need to access the Jiofi settings section, then click on the tab referred to as “Device Details”. Click it, and you will see the manufacturer’s name. Still on the same page, you should see a Jiofi Battery Level along with Batter Status. If you are charging it, it should show “Charging”. If it is running on internal battery, it should show “Discharging”. You should also see the firmware creation date as well as the IMEI number in case you need it for support. The following are the simple steps to know your Jiofi Battery Level
- Log into the static page of the device through http://jiofi.local.html or or http://192.168.l.l/ using administrator as username and password
- Go to the JioFi setting and click on WiFi menu
- Check WiFi security set to WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK, and Wireless encryption type is set to AES. AES is a security algorithm used to safeguard the website
- The battery percentage can be viewed by accessing the Battery Capacity space
Shortly we will tell the procedure on how to check Jiofi Battery Level Status by login into http://192.168.l.l/. Then Device Details > Battery Level.
192.168.l.l or 192.168.1.l
A common mistake committed by many users is the identification of correct IP address. The IP address is misunderstood as 192.168.I.I. The page does not load when IP address has I (capital i) or l (small L). The IP address always consists of numbers from 0 to 256.
How to login into
This is done into five simple steps as follows:
- The first step is to enter the into your browsers address number.
- In case you experience trouble or get errors when you key in the number, then 19216811 is not your routers IP address.
- Once you confirm your routers IP address, you feed it into your browsers URL address. This will direct you to the user login panel and you will be required to feed in your router user and the password.
- In case you happen to forget the username and the password, there is a way to retrieve and recover your password back.
- The moment you access the admin panel, you will be able to change and modify all the internet settings.
Error While Trying to Sign-in
If you happen to encounter a problem while trying to sign-in your router’s admin panel, then the solutions below will come in handy.
- Clear the cache of your web browser
- Try accessing the admin panel of your router using a different device.
- Turn off all your pop-up blocks, Firewalls and Ad blockers.
With private IP Address of your router, you can gain control of your router’s Admin dashboard before changing any configuration setting.
How to Access the sdcard slot (Storage Slot) by login 192.168.l.l
Lot of Jiofi users may scared because how to use the memory card slot and How to accessing the SD card slot in Jiofi Mifi Router. Just Follow the instructions…
- First every user must insert the sdcard / memory card in Jio Dongle 2 device
- Here you must enable the storage account and set the username and password.
- You can access the SD card information to all connected devices of your Jiofi
- Now access the files by entering into the URL http://jiofi.local.html/
- Click the Wifi Disk button. use the sd card username and password.
- Now it can access the Storage Slot. Then You can upload your files and you can copy the pics or files in your PC / Laptop
Procedure for How to update Jiofi Firmware Update?
In case you see a new firmware, just reset the Jiofi and it will automatically be upgraded. Some of the important steps i explained below, please follow…..
Here are the following steps to JioFi Firmware upgrade…
- Every Jiofi user must Power on the JioFi device and connect it to a Personal Computer (PC).
- Then Logon in to Jiofi admin panel via jiofi.local.html or
- Select JioFi settings tab and then select Jiofi firmware Upgrade menu
- Check the installed firmware version under Device Software Version
- Select Browse option under Software upgrades to access the available JioFi firmware. If any JioFi upgrade firmware is available, then select it
- Click or tap on Apply button to start firmware upgrade. The upgrading process can take a while.
- Hard reset the JioFi to restore all the factory settings.
- Now try to connecting PC or mobile to Jiofi WiFi network
How to Increase Jiofi Internet Speed (Tips)?
JioFi internet speed gets slow after a while because of device’s configuration. The reasons behind slow internet are
Daily data usage limit exhausted
JioFi has a limited data usage throughout the day. If a user exhaust daily Jio 4G data, then automatically internet speed will be slowed
Weak network signals
The networking towers must be another factor for slow internet. The signal strength can easily be determined by the JioFi device. If the light is green, then JioFi has a strong signal but if the light is red, then it has the weak network signal.
More connected devices
It is recommended to connect 10 more devices with USB connectivity also at once but this can slow down the internet speed. Here are some Tips to Increase the JioFi internet speed
- Place the JioFi device within a 10-meter radius of the connected device. It must be kept in an open area without any obstructions.
- JioFi network indicator must be checked regularly to get the maximum internet speed possible.
- JioFi must be connected to 2 devices at once to enhance the internet speed.
- If the daily plan is exhausted, it is always recommended to recharge and renew the plan.
- Delete applications cached memory regularly.
How to Reset Jiofi router?
If you want to Restore Jiofi default Settings. But the best feature of the JioFi device is Jiofi router reset which can be set through these steps. To make this possible, the steps below will guide you:
- Switch on the Jiofi 2 or Jiofi 3 Router.
- From the back of your Jiofi router, open back panel.
- Locate the ‘reset’ button or ‘WPS’ button that is on the left side
- Using a needle or pin, press the button for about 30 seconds.
- All the lights available in the Jiofi Dongle will light up and the device will reset automatically.
- After all this is done, connect your Personal Computer to the Jiofi router and access http://jiofi.local.html
- Setup the configuration of the Jiofi Router since all the saved changes will have been lost.
How to check LAN info at Jiofi.local.html?
First things first, login to your account on JioFi website using your login credentials. To check the LAN info in status, select the LAN Client list option. A list of services will then be displayed on the screen of your device. Here, click on the ‘LAN Info’ tab to access the information you need.
How to check WAN info at Jiofi.local.html?
To check JioFi WAN info, you’ll first have to login to your account successfully. Once you access your account, click on the ‘WAN Info’ option that is just below the LAN Info settings. It is then that you can have a look at your WAN Info without encountering any issues whatsoever.
How to check MAC Address in Jiofi.local.html?
To check MAC address on Jiofi.local.html, it is imperative that you first login to your account. Click on the ‘Device Details’ option and you will see a list of details. Here, select the ‘Check MAC Address’ option and it will be displayed on the screen of your device. It is then that you can log out of your account.
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Tap on the Submit button. At that point spare the settings by tapping on the Apply button. Try exploring other related articles: How to Use JioFi.Local.Html, How to Make Audio and Video Calls from JioFi Local Html (Step By Step Guide), and How to Use Router JioFi Local Html (Step By Step Guide for Everyone).
my jiofi signal are green but net speed is 256kbps i m very frustated…. reliance should increase there tower with members in location so internet speed may be ok to all users….
Mera wi fi disable ho gya sir ab kse start kru
bhai app use apne data cable se connect karke phir browser mein jaker jiofi.local.html is link mein login karke kar lena
To change password of jio dongle modem
password reset setting is not working
please tell me what can I do?